Friday, July 27, 2007

Bahama Mama

Welcome to my blog! Well i thought it would be a great way to open my blog in one of the best places in the world with the best beaches....well to my knowledge at the time. For reasons that are always the best to have, but not the best to share. I am having a great time, its just sad that i will be leaving tomorrow, in the afternoon. I will be staying here until 4 pm which means I have plenty of time to get lost driving on the left side of the roads and meeting more locals. I have had a great time shooting and not shooting the local and not so local folk. It is one of the best ways to spend a time in a foreign country, shooting people. To most it is not the best way to maintain a connection with them, to me it is. It is a place where i do not miss my Miami. I don't want to return, I want to stay here until i die. maybe it's because it reminds me of the life I once had, or a life I will have. It is for sure not the life I am leading now. I am in a room with flip flops, and board shorts with an oversize Hugo Boss shirt that I was afraid to bring to the island, but at the same time this careless spirit of the island propels me to forget that care for fashion, and focus on my Adidas flip flops. Another care of mine has been the return to the taste of mango. One of the best fruits ever created by God. It is the sweet taste of the fruit that reminds me of my childhood, which consisted of the same attire and climate. A sweeter adventure cannot be the remembrance of my childhood but the creation of memories of my little cousin, Sofia, trying mango for the first time. This first post is dedicated to her, my Bahama mama, isn't she cute?

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