Tuesday, July 31, 2007


In the august issue of vogue, there were several stories expressing the desire of people to dress age appropriate. On the cover was actress Winona Ryder who at the age of 35 is still kicking and screaming into the yellow brick road to success. Like her there were other women chosen for this issue and they all symbolized women who were on top of their game and dressed the part. What do I say to women or men who are dressing the part go for it! Enjoy it and don't think so much about the age. I know someone very close to my family who is 89 years old and acts and lives life like she was 24. Gladys is a woman who doesn't put much emphasis on the number but instead is constantly traveling and taught me to do the same. I dont know why women are so caught up with this issue, us guys don't worry so much about it then again we live life without that stress. So don't worry about age!

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