Tuesday, July 31, 2007


In the august issue of vogue, there were several stories expressing the desire of people to dress age appropriate. On the cover was actress Winona Ryder who at the age of 35 is still kicking and screaming into the yellow brick road to success. Like her there were other women chosen for this issue and they all symbolized women who were on top of their game and dressed the part. What do I say to women or men who are dressing the part go for it! Enjoy it and don't think so much about the age. I know someone very close to my family who is 89 years old and acts and lives life like she was 24. Gladys is a woman who doesn't put much emphasis on the number but instead is constantly traveling and taught me to do the same. I dont know why women are so caught up with this issue, us guys don't worry so much about it then again we live life without that stress. So don't worry about age!


products are kinda difficult to work on. I thought it was going ot be easy but i guess wrong...it was fun today i worked on using water and glass two elements that in photography are very difficult to work on. i have still more to work on and learn but will not give up!

Monday, July 30, 2007


Why are mango people so difficult to break into? Here is my first Vanidades spec and unfortunately they didn't like the girls but oh well...better luck next time
Here is the beautiful Amanda Frost from MC2 in Miami.
And another pretty lady Johanna from Caroline Gleason
we will continue until the cover is gained!

Friday, July 27, 2007


The definition that always brings people sadness and a bitter-sweet taste of leaving something behind is the best way to take what we learned. Along with the welcome of something new and exciting that can create a world of colors outside our own. Well here we are, with the memory of something left and the expiration of something old expecting the new. In the airport waiting for our delayed flight, what else is there to do but look at the fashion selections of some of my fellow travelers. And in our multitalented world, watch the Gucci spring women’s runway. In an island like the Bahamas, there are no sign of Gucci, with reds and purples that can create a world of fruit and tropical flair; it just does not exist. What a world of separation along with the connections of the colors that can only be used in the set reality we are all part of. Some may argue that colors exist in out imagination and can be created. I fail to believe this to be true, our imagination can only manipulate the colors already existing not create since we lack the right and ability to do so. So far away Gucci and Bahamas beach flair are connected in color and pattern. Both live out in the minds of the manipulators (designers and artists) when they depart of such angelic destinations. There I see the metal plates known to be present this season in the Gucci bags and dresses, found in the scanning machines used by the Bahamas customs. The reds and purples are present in a little girl’s carrier bag and a mother’s over used sweater. Do we really depart or do we steal the colors and patterns around us. It is this bitter sweet taste that can be brought with us wherever we travel.

Bahama Mama

Welcome to my blog! Well i thought it would be a great way to open my blog in one of the best places in the world with the best beaches....well to my knowledge at the time. For reasons that are always the best to have, but not the best to share. I am having a great time, its just sad that i will be leaving tomorrow, in the afternoon. I will be staying here until 4 pm which means I have plenty of time to get lost driving on the left side of the roads and meeting more locals. I have had a great time shooting and not shooting the local and not so local folk. It is one of the best ways to spend a time in a foreign country, shooting people. To most it is not the best way to maintain a connection with them, to me it is. It is a place where i do not miss my Miami. I don't want to return, I want to stay here until i die. maybe it's because it reminds me of the life I once had, or a life I will have. It is for sure not the life I am leading now. I am in a room with flip flops, and board shorts with an oversize Hugo Boss shirt that I was afraid to bring to the island, but at the same time this careless spirit of the island propels me to forget that care for fashion, and focus on my Adidas flip flops. Another care of mine has been the return to the taste of mango. One of the best fruits ever created by God. It is the sweet taste of the fruit that reminds me of my childhood, which consisted of the same attire and climate. A sweeter adventure cannot be the remembrance of my childhood but the creation of memories of my little cousin, Sofia, trying mango for the first time. This first post is dedicated to her, my Bahama mama, isn't she cute?